Taking the Time to Look, Listen, and Learn

Friday, September 3, 2010

Montessori Skills

Today my daughter's teacher sent home the first weekly communication chart of the school year. She also sent a letter explaining that the chart is not a progress report but a tool for engagement with our pre-school child about his/her week at school.

A part of her letter I particularly liked was the section on social/emotional skills. She underscored the importance of the following skills: "cooperation, self-control, confidence, independence, curiosity, empathy, and communication."

I re-read this sentence several times. I often think the skills I need to be accentuating at home are language and math skills (and nature and art) through various activities. But these significant social skills make me pause.

--Cooperation (Ummmm...do I hear another sibling argument in the background?)
--self-control (Ummm..."OK, have another snack" and maybe they'll stop complaining)
--confidence (this is a tricky one. I would really like to hear ideas on nurturing confidence)
--independence (getting better, but it took me a long time to let my kids pour their own drink!)
--curiosity (I think I'm better at this)
--empathy (how can we promote this other than talking about and role-playing?)
--communication (this is one reason I love the dinner table, driving my kids home from school, and bed-time cuddles).

I want to keep thinking about these areas of development. Any ideas?

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