Taking the Time to Look, Listen, and Learn

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Music Meditation

A friend emailed me a link to a song. She sent it days ago--a musical version of Psalm 23--but I just now clicked it. I saw that it was over 4 minutes long, and at first thought, "Oh. This is too long." But then I decided to close my eyes and listen.

I wished it lasted longer. It was beautiful, starting simply with instruments, then one female voice, then building to two additional voices, both male. The intertwining of harmony and melody, the crescendo and decrescendo, the words. The Word.

I love music. When I think of how much of my life before children was spent listening to music and singing and playing, I am a little ashamed at the smallness of music in my life right now.

Music right now is children's CDs in the car. That is bonding.
Music right now is singing children to sleep. That is sweet.
Music right now is singing in church. That is grand.

But I am so thankful for a friend who nudged me to take 4 minutes to listen to music by myself again. To close my eyes and drink in the song.


  1. yes...link is


    Info from Lauren, who sent the link in the first place:
    "The CD was produced by Grammy Winner David Pack and includes his voice and those of Billy Gilman, contemporary Christian artist Rebecca St James, and former Kansas lead singer John Elefante. The recording was dedicated to the children of America, particularly those who lost parents as a result of the 911 tradegy. And was presented by The American Bible Society. "
