Taking the Time to Look, Listen, and Learn

Friday, July 16, 2010

Needing Space

When my daughter was barely talking, she would yell, "I need pace!" She needed space from her older brother who was crowding her, poking her, pushing her, leaning on her.

In the kitchen just now--trying to get dinner under control while two little kids, a humongous dog, and a husband were weaving in and around me--I said, "I need space!"

Sweet husband grilled the meat. I put the green beans in the oven and boiled water for the corn. Tired children are watching The Berenstain Bears. Shhhh.... don't tell anyone what I'm doing. I have a little space.

I'm wondering why I don't create little spaces more often. I'm wondering why when I have a tiny bit of quiet, I don't use it more productively.

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