Taking the Time to Look, Listen, and Learn

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Small Sacrifice

One part of Sunday's church sermon talked about the meaning of fasting, giving something up (food, for example) for a time in order to focus on God. Whenever you desire the thing you have sacrificed, you would have the opportunity to pray, read scripture, lean on the Lord for strength.

I have been thinking lately about how I know nothing about sacrifice. If I want something, for the most part, I get it. If I want to eat, I do. If I want to get my nails done, I do.

I am not talking about the big things--wanting a new house or a trip to Europe. I'm talking about little daily sacrifices, a chance to trust God in the little things, not just the big things. Could I do a week's fast from snacking? From soft drinks? From shopping (or online browsing)?

What is it about our culture that is counter-sacrifice? How can we support each other in delayed gratification and teach that to our children?

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