Taking the Time to Look, Listen, and Learn

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Prayers for a Woman I Haven't Met

Living Simply: Choosing Less in a World of MoreYesterday, I wrote about the book I am reading and now re-reading.  Later in the day, I was reading another blog and saw something about "Praying for Joanne" with a picture of a woman who looked to me like the author of this book, Joanne Heim. I clicked on the link and was thrilled to find a link to her blog "The Simple Wife" (http://thesimplewife.typepad.com/).  Then I was deeply saddened to see that in January of this year, she suffered a stroke at age 38. 

I only had time to read for a second yesterday and just had time to read a bit more, but my heart aches for this family! To have been reading about her active life with her family these past few weeks, I feel like I've gotten to know her.  To read all they are now going through is so sobering.  A recent post written by her father--probably around my own father's age--talks about all the accomplishments to be thankful for these past six months (from waking from a coma, to breathing on her own, to talking...) and her next set of goals as she re-enters rehab (http://thesimplewife.typepad.com/the_simple_wife/2011/07/papas-post.html).   I can't imagine how hard this is for a father to watch his daughter endure this tremendous life change.

Her goals include some of the most basic daily routines, some we even grumble about (going to the grocery store, cleaning the house, driving, typing, not to mention walking unassisted and showering).

I am teary today. And I'm prayerful.  And I'm wanting to be more present and more alert and more grateful, savoring each moment.

I am thankful to see how God is working in this beautiful family, how He is binding them together even through suffering.  I am thankful to be allowed to witness His faithfulness.

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